First Time Visitor

If you are planning to attend one of our services, we want to make your visit as easy and enjoyable as possible.

The following are a series of frequently asked questions that we hope will answer some of the questions about our services at Life Christian Centre (LCC).

What kind of church is LCC?

We seek to be an inspirational church where you can connect with God. At LCC you'll experience great music, friendly people and teaching that is practical, encouraging and will help you grow in your faith. We are a Christ-centred church empowered by God's Spirit and built on God's Word. Everything we do and teach is based solely on the Bible and the person of Jesus Christ.

How long is the worship service and what is it like?

The worship services typically last about 90 minutes. We begin with a time of inspiring worship music led by our music team. You are encouraged to participate and express your worship as you feel comfortable. Most people sing and clap along; others might lift their hands in worship; some might simply listen and reflect quietly. We invite you to be who you are and to seek God with authenticity and sincerity.

What about the teaching?

You will experience solid, engaging teaching from the Bible. We don't water down scripture, we teach it with conviction and clarity, so you can be challenged to grow deeper in your faith. You will leave uplifted, equipped and ready to experience the life God offers you through Jesus Christ.

How will I find my way around?

When you visit you will be greeted by an usher who will be able to guide you and answer any questions you might have. Feel free to visit our guest area in the foyer, where you will receive a free gift pack. Also, a welcome card is available to fill in, to give us a brief record of your visit or to see how we can assist you.

What about my children?

Children are well-cared for in a secure and loving environment. Your children will have a great time in our exciting Life Kids program designed just for them. When you arrive, our welcome team will help guide you to the children's area.

What about my teenager?

Live is a youth group that meets on Friday nights and is a place where young people are accepted, develop friendships and grow into spiritual maturity.

How do I get there?

The church is located at 245 Angas Street, Adelaide. We encourage you to come along and join us. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us.

Service Times

Worship with us

  • English Worship Services
    Sunday / 10:15am / 11:45am
  • Prayer Night
    First Wednesday of Every Month / 7:30pm
  • Youth Service / Young Adults Service
    Friday / 7:00pm / 7:30pm
  • Italian Worship Service
    Sunday / 9:00am
  • Chinese Worship Service
    Sunday / 4:00pm

Contact us

Get in touch

Feel free to make an enquiry online or contact our offices on 08 8232 5556

Online Enquiry